The painting was inspired by the peonies & roses we have blooming every year in our garden.
As I was painting the flowers, I came across this verse that I thought was fitting for the painting:
“So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.”
ESV, 1 Corinthians 3:7
This Bible verse talks about salvation. While we as Christians can help further the gospel, ultimately, it’s God who gives someone new life in Christ.
I painted the flowers to represent this truth. While we can plant & water flowers, God is the one who created them & gives them life.
In the same way, while our job is to share Jesus with others through our words & actions, it is God who saves.
God is responsible for the results. We just need to be faithful with the time, abilities & opportunities God gives us.
The saving is up to God. Our responsibility is to be faithful where God has planted us.