I have always thought that doing something I was passionate about would bring lasting joy and contentment. And while I am passionate about painting and am super thankful that I have the opportunity to paint so much now, I realized that that’s not where my TRUE contentment lies.
Lasting contentment in life comes from my relationship with Jesus.
It’s my relationship with God that brings me joy. It’s spending time with Him every morning that brings me peace and fills my heart with thankfulness. It’s reading and memorizing God’s Word, the Bible, that reminds me of God’s promises to me and gives me strength. And it’s His love that washes over me & makes it possible for me to share His love with others.
That being said, when I invite Jesus into my art by praying before each painting session, I get to share the painting experience with Him! Not only can my painting be of service to Him, but it can also be done as a way of worshipping Him. A time that I spend in His presence.
And I can apply the same principle to when I’m cooking or doing dishes. It can all become a time spent with God!
True contentment lies in my relationship with God. And if I extend that relationship to all areas of my life and invite Jesus into them, then I can experience joy all throughout my day! And so can you.
The ocean waves and bubbles remind me of this Bible verse where Jesus says:
“But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”
NLT, John 4:14
While this Bible verse talks primarily of salvation, I believe it can also be applied to being filled and content in life if one has a relationship with Jesus. And the bubbling spring within us can be a source of nourishment for not only ourselves but others as well.
Time-lapse of this painting is available on my YouTube channel: